Study Tour And Excursion

>ACADEMICS > Study Tour And Excursion

Academic Field Work 2023-2024:

File Tittle Document Type Link
Report on the Educational Tour_Philosophy_2023-24 Report View
Field Visit Report_Zoology_2023-24 Report View
Field Visit Report_Botany_2023-24 Report View
Field Visit Report_Geography_2023-24 Report View

Academic Field Work 2022-2023:

File Tittle Document Type Link
Internship Report of Botany Report View
Apprenticeship Report of Botany Report View
Project Report of Education Report View
Project Report of ENVS Report View
Apprenticeship Report of Zoology Report View
Internship Report of Zoology Report View
Educational Excursion 2022-23 Department of Geography Report View
Field work related Report (Geography) Report View
Field work related Report (Botany) Report View
Field work related Report (Economics) Report View
Field work related Report (Zoology) Report View
Field work related Report (Political Science) Report View

Academic Field Work 2021-2022:

File Tittle Document Type Link
Field work related Report (Botany) Report View
Field work related Report (Zoology) Report View
Field work related Report (Geography) Report View
Field work related Report (Political Science) Report View
Field work related Report (Education) Report View
Field work related Report (Political Science) Report View
Field work related Report (ENVS) Report View
Field work related Report (Geography-SEC2) Report View

Academic Field Work 2020-2021:

File Tittle Document Type Link
Field work related Report (Geography) Report View

Academic Field Work And Project Syllabus

File Tittle Document Type Link
Field work related syllabus (Botany) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Geography) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Zoology) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Education-SEC1) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (ENVS) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Geography-SEC2) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Political Science-New) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Political Science) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Economics) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Geography SEC4 (Prog.)) syllabus View
Field work related syllabus (Zoology modified all papers) syllabus View